Sunday, September 15, 2013


Today I am going to share something different with you guys and I am definitely stepping outside my comfort zone here!
I made a video showing you the makeup I wore one of the days this week, it was really fun to make and I hope you like it :)

NB! Unfortunately the video doesn't work if you are watching through your phone, I'm working on that, but in the meantime you can just press this link here

Thank you for watching, and thumbs up the video if you would like to see more :)


  1. I cant watch the video...i wount work, is it because im using my phone? :-)

  2. Yea I just noticed the video won't play on phones, but I put a link there that will lead you to the video on youtube, that should work :)

  3. Nice! Thanks ;-) love to green mixed with the bronze...
